Thursday, February 21, 2008

Amar Chithra Katha

There used to be days when I use to be crazy of reading comics..
be it a
daily library period to savour twinkle
Weekly anxious wait for the lending library fellow to give me my ambulimama's
Monthly mandate visits to our local book store for Gokulam ( Yea since my mom is a fan of mangayar malar, she would buy gokulam for us)

Suppandi & co were a brilliant entertainers surprise !!!surprise !!!with a strong message.

Being in the tender age the imprints left by these stories are phenomenal, to the extent that I can really enjoy cartoons & children comincs even today.

I recently heard Females are verbose oriented rather than picture oriented, however I ifnd myself respond to pictures then verbiage..mebbe the habit of comics reading!!! call it kalia's trick maybe...

Today while searching details for carbon credit I accidentally found ACK MEdia, a company that bought Amar Chithra Katha and all the brand icons along with it...Their maket focus is to make it intially avaialble in various platform ( read it as web ;-)) for fee and improve the character.
This is an awesome and moneysome business...

I was so imporessed with these guys who have 8/10 year exp ( meaning an average of <40 yr olds) folks handling this enterprise.

The entrprenur bug laughs and mocks at I feel gr8 and wish I can do something like that....
Then the catch is I am not working on my creative side, rather I am trying to adopt toa routine ( honestly all my folks would vouch I am no good in that too!!)

Hmm something is happenig in life as it unravels who knows I might finally walk hand in hand with my entrprenurial bug :-)))

Note : If anyone of you is wondering abt ACK, which inspiried me to write such a blog ,then here you go

Signing off

Thursday, February 7, 2008

"The Brand Called You"-Ponderings 1

Last week I read this article named "A brand called you". Though the writing style didn't really attract me the power of the topic really made me inquisitive ,it is thought provocative. Basically I loved it... Jumped on the gun of what does BRAND "ME" meant to me, what I wanted it to mean to others and what it really meant!!!

Honestly I don’t know a complete answer to any of the questions and that really surprises me!!!This is becoz I thought the Brand MBA/IIM should have answered this for me already :(
Suddenly all the "JARGONS" I use came alive and questioned I really endorse what I say or practice what I say...Now this turns into a different kinda question-which on a normal day I would have branded as "Philosiphical"...
So more I think abt the topic, more I feel this concept had been ingrained in a human being albeit called different- as "EGO"
Now that I wrote that, I feel as if I am opening a Pandora's box.!.

God why can't I think plain and simple like the way I used to do when I was a kid. Even then I was able to appreciate "GREY" areas in life-the difference was that, I saw grey as a color in itself and not as a mix of black & white.
As I grew I know all the facts but tend to weigh grey as combination of black& white....

As I write I feel I am bothered abt analysing and building the brand "me" and not visualising the brand "me"
I guess I understand the plight of revamping a brand...!!!" "Cleaning up something is always painful than creating one" I am stuck in my current feel of my self that I find it difficult to make it simple and envision

Folks what do you guys think…

PS: uff how many quotes/jargons ;-) I have used...Habits die hard..dont blame me this is wat I do for living!!!
hmm.. am not liking so many "I"s in the blog but then is that not the idea of this blog???