Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Indianized US

lets think what happened if US had all those things which we had in India.

1. We could experience at least 50 languages ( no. of states in US). So while travelling to northern part u wud see "वालमार्ट इस हियर " and when u go souther part "வால்மார்ட் இஸ் தேரே"
So I am sure google maps will no longer work :-)

2. no one having mobile phone would prefer eastern US, as every 10 miles you would then need to pay roaming bills as u change the states.

3. Burger King - would then read as " बुर्गेर रजा "

4. Sambar will replace Beer . After all you need the kick when u drink, so it serves the purpose.

5. ART - America Road Transport will replace the cars. People will hang all over the buses running at 120 mph. Some may take connecting buses if they fall enroute. Some may go back to work from home.

6. Celebrate Dussehera by burning big idol of the "Amercian Ravana" - you know him !!

7. Special visas will be issued to Chennai Auto walas to drive in US. Make people go crazy over the rates !!. First time someone would realize travelling by Auto can be costlier than a return ticket to the other part of the world !!

8. Desi will replace - "We - desi" (विदेसी)

9. Dukin - Donuts will get replaced by " Pumkin - Dosas" - America runs on Dosas.

10. Beds and Beyond, sleepys will feature Parliament house. The most comfortable place to sleep.....

And so on......guys if u can think more such things lets put together on this blog.


Inner mirror said...

Thats a creative one , I never expected such a creative stuff from Phan!!!...
He positions himself as an anlytical stud and not a creative one!!!

Now lemme try to stretch my right brain

Christmas tree shops would read "Peepil Tree Shops"?!

god looks like I need to polish my brain!!!..would come back again

Yayathy said...

Thats really good thinking.
It is also obvious that India will conquer US in due course.......


Sindhu said...
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Sindhu said...

Good one, Phani..i think u should keep writing more:) and yes, as viji said, this is indeed a creative post.