Thursday, January 17, 2008


As it appears after the initial hustle bustle our group blog has hit the hibernation!

Believe it or not I wrote this a week before...Shd I say I predicted it or just graced "hibernation"(- is a long inactive time period)
True to its name the journey is continuing with hardly anytime to muse!.
I sometimes wonder why I crib about monotony and do little attempt to break it!- Billion dollar question huh....This is one such time (Yeah lotta pending work , ever running meetings) and this time I wanted to make a small attempt ( later on probably once in a month we can evaluate the metrics ;-))

This time I attempt to write about My new non living lively companion in the journey -
"My Car"
At present is truly my car since we are yet to add Gopi's name to it!!!
The 50k miles sexy black civic sedan a Honda make, is an awesome car with a pricier tag
I loved the car tho not the price, one my most loaded lifetime investment.True I never spent this much before and felt really different.Now I realise why my father never even heard our cribs while watching a car ad.
Owning a car and running it is much like running a passionate family business- not necessarily a money spinner- In other words " Luxury".Unfortunately in this part of the world most of the luxurious things are made to become essential.
A car is a must to
1. Have 2 hrs extra sleep- 100$
2. Less exposure to cold hence lesser health care cost - 1000$ ( ya HC is damn costly)
3. No shopping dependencies- 3 hrs
Highest mental peace -Priceless.....For everything else I have my car!!! :-)))

The above is one side of the coin......
The other side of the coin Gopi can give an overview---i.e The costs of owning the car...!!!!!

This is because " Females see positive side of life " :-)))

Eager for comments

{Basically need to keep this short (!) and prepare for my next meeting}


Inner mirror said...

Vow the write up shows an earlier date while it was posted only on jan 23 2008---!!!

Sindhu said...

It is interesting to see a different perspective on owning a car.
True-maintaing a car is the difficult part.
I am still waiting to hear Gopi's perspective on this:)

Sindhu said...

Just abt posting a picture of yr car?:):):)