Friday, January 11, 2008

It's My Turn Now :)

It is now a trio's blog though I still have'nt spoken to Kriti with regard to this blog. I need to find out if her hunt is still on or if she has succeeded in finding what inspires her.
Talking of inspiration (thanks to Kriti for having brought this idea out), I am reminded of numerous ways people suddenly get motivated to do things. Be it a student aspiring for higher marks because of peer competition, a dancer creating a new piece inspired by folk tale, a house-wife inspired to cook tasty food because her husband relishes every bit of what she cooks, a person who has lost all hope suddenly gettig inspired by a motivational speaker...this can go on and on.
At this moment I am inspired to write to this post because of the author invite I recieved for this blog.
So folks, shall we set rolling???

1 comment:

Inner mirror said...

Cool Welcome Sindhu!!!